Melody Loria
This summer I spent two wonderful, joy filled weeks in Montreal with our church youth group. Admits trekking around the city, serving the people of Montreal, worshiping and praying, I met Melody. Melody was the worship leader for the SOAR program this year, and man oh man does she ever have a talent! Y'all should go check her music out here //
But honestly, I was in a beautiful old could I not take some photos?? We meandered around, took a few metros, saw beautiful buildings, streets and of course took a few pictures while we were there. It was so fun. But honestly our discussions and talks are what truly encouraged me the most. Melody has such a heart felt joy & love for God and his people, that it's so contagious. She compliments people profusely but she really means what she says and she makes people feel special. She really inspires me in the way she acts, as well as the way that God has worked through her life and in her heart to make such an impact. She said to me "My dad says that if you have something good to say to someone, just say it. Why hold it back?"
Hope you enjoy these as much as I do.